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Soluble αβ-tubulins reversibly sequester TTC5 to regulate tubulin mRNA decay

Batiuk A, Höpfler M, Almeida AC, En-Jie DT, Vadas O, Vartholomaiou E, Hegde RS, Lin Z, Gasic I

Nature Commun 15, 9963 (2024)


Mechanism of ribosome-associated mRNA degradation during tubulin autoregulation

Höpfler M, Absmeier E, Peak-Chew SY, Vartholomaiou E, Passmore LA, Gasic I, Hegde RS

Molecular Cell 83, 1–13


Regulation of Tubulin Gene Expression: From Isotype Identity to Functional Specialization

Gasic I

Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 10 (898076)


Tubulin Resists Degradation by Cereblon-Recruiting PROTACs

Gasic I*, Groendyke BJ*, Nowak RP, Yuan JC, Kalabathula J, Fischer ES, Gray NS,  Mitchison TJ

Cells 9 (5), 1083

TTC5 mediates autoregulation of tubulin via mRNA degradation

Lin Z, Gasic I*, Chandrasekaran V*, Peters N, Shao S, Mitchison TJ, Hegde RS

Science 367 (6473), 100-104


The Ska complex promotes Aurora B activity to ensure chromosome biorientation

Redli PM, Gasic I, Meraldi P, Nigg EA, Santamaria A

JCB 215 (1), 77-93


The equatorial position of the metaphase plate ensures symmetric cell divisions

Tan CH, Gasic I*, Huber-Reggi SP*, Dudka D, Barisic M, Maiato H, Meraldi P

Elife 4, e05124


Nonautonomous movement of chromosomes in mitosis

Vladimirou E*, Mchedlishvili N*, Gasic I*, Armond JW, Samora CP, Meraldi P, McAinsh AD

Dev Cell 27 (1), 60-71

* equal contribution

© 2020 by Ivana Gasic

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